JOVI was the realisation of José and Víctor's dream of machining and assembling tools to serve the companies in the region.
Special machines
The first special assembly machines were developed immediately thereafter, with the idea of helping companies and providing process automation solutions.
Change of premises and growth
JOVI moves to larger facilities better suited to its operations.
2nd generation
The founders' children join the JOVI team, with the technical training needed to continue the project.
JOVI becomes a single family enterprise when Víctor leaves the firm.
Creation of the step feeder
To supplement customised machines. Versatile, flexible, with low noise levels, it performs well with fragile and/or delicate parts.
Financial crash
The economic situation forces JOVI to reinvent itself, focusing more on supplying and dosing parts, and incorporating robotics into its designs.
Continuous growth to create what JOVI is today, a specialist in any type of process that needs parts to be moved, transferred and handled.
Change of image
Change of image and arrival of the third generation.